Dear Friends and Family,
Carey and I have decided to take an important step in our desire to put our faith and beliefs into action. On October 3rd, we depart for Guatemala for a one to two-year commitment with an organization called Salud y Paz (Health and Peace). Salud y Paz was created through a joint effort of the Methodist Church in Guatemala and the United Methodist Church in America to offer health and education services for the local Mayan population. Over the past seven years, Salud y Paz has provided free health care and other vital services to more than 100,000 patients, the majority of whom earn less than $1 a day and live in extreme poverty.
During our time in Guatemala, Carey will be directing a newly constructed preschool that will offer weekday classes and meals to approximately 40 children, with plans to double enrollment in its second year. On average, children in the region, who speak the Mayan language K’iche, drop out after less than two years of formal schooling. The preschool is designed to help children learn Spanish and develop academic and social skills that promote school readiness. Salud y Paz has asked me to help administrate two existing health clinics, oversee the development of four new clinics, and coordinate and recruit volunteer teams. Once I develop a working knowledge of Spanish, I will also have opportunities to provide pastoral care in surrounding areas.
As we prepare for our service at Salud y Paz, we are beginning to recognize all the ways in which our time in Guatemala is going to challenge us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. In fact, one of our biggest challenges is already underway. You guessed it…raising financial support for our mission. Carey and I plan to live on a very tight budget (picture lots of rice and beans!), but we still need approximately $11,000 for our first year (which includes airfare, language classes, housing, health care and all other living expenses). Trust us when we say that any amount you are able to donate will be appreciated. Whether it is a one-time offering of $20 or a recurring gift of $20 a month, Carey and I will give thanks for every penny received.
If you are able and willing to support us financially, you can do one of two things:
1. If you prefer to write a check, make it payable to General Board of Global Ministries. Please be sure to write “Advance #982465-6, for Jay & Carey Cooper” in the memo line, or we will not receive your donation. Mail checks to: Mission Volunteers Office, Attention: Michael DeBorja, 475 Riverside Drive, Room 330, New York, NY 10115.
2. If you prefer to donate on-line or make a recurring donation, go to http://www.saludypaz.org/.
Click on the “Donations” tab. When you reach the JustGive.org site, follow the instructions to make a donation. Please be sure to write “Jay & Carey Cooper” in the “Designate my Donation” box, or we will not receive your donation.
All donations are tax deductible.
There are other important ways that you can support us while we are in Guatemala. For example, you can send encouraging e-mails to jaycoop1@gmail.com and cejcooper@gmail.com, you can mail letters and/or packages to us (mailing address to come), and you can track our progress and see photos by visiting our blog. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, you can pray for us, the people of Guatemala, and Salud y Paz.
Thanks in advance for your love, friendship, and support. Carey and I consider ourselves blessed to have you in our lives.
Jay & Carey Cooper