After telling me all this, something he said caught me a little off guard; he said, "So many poor people here in Guatemala believe in God and say 'Thank you for this food,' 'Thank you God for this job,' and 'Thank you Lord for my health.' What I don't understand is, why don't more people in the United States believe in God? Wouldn't they be the most thankful of all?"
I've always struggled to understand how people, like those in Guatemala and especially those in Haiti now, can seemingly have so little to be thankful for and to believe in and yet, often times seem to be the most thankful and have the most steadfast belief? It makes me wonder... why is it that the things that you and I so desire to have, once attained, turn out to be the things that end up distracting us most from what we really need?
Jesus said, "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." While living in Guatemala, I've learned that true treasure is rarely shiny, and there is one thing that I must never, ever forget: always be in need - it's good for the soul.
Peace friends,