Sunday, November 30, 2008

Deep Thoughts by Carey Cooper

I don't know about you, but I am still trying to make my parents proud. This gets a little tiring after 33 years, but I still keep at it. For example, I'll always remember the day I told my Dad that I got a job at Princeton. I've never seen him so excited! For some reason, he was less excited when I told him I got a volunteer job in Guatemala. Go figure. :) But I'm still trying to make him proud, and I thought of something today that he would appreciate...

About 20 years ago, my Dad walked into my room while I was fixing my hair. Chicas, you remember what an ordeal this was in the late 80s, right? So he watched me blow drying, curling, and teasing for a while and then asked, "How long does this usually take?" I remember saying, "Oh, about 30 minutes." (It was more like 45 but I could see where he was going...) After a quick calculation (he's an engineer so it didn't take long), he reported how many hours over the next year and then days over my life I would waste on my hair. I'm sure I only laughed at the time and went on with my teasing. But this morning, when I ran a comb through my wet hair and ran out the door for church, I thought of our conversation. I'll overestimate this time and say that I usually spend about 1 minute a day on my hair. Over the next year, that adds up to about six hours. Not bad, eh Dad?


smeadows1978 said...

Hey Coopers,
Just a quick hello from SoCal! I was in Princeton last week thinking about how nice it would have been to have a beverage with you guys at Triumph. I hope all is well with you. And I hope you can make it out to sunny Marina del Rey to have some wine with me on the beach soon!
Happy Holidays,

Unknown said...

who would have thought that hair wouldn't be important??