Carey and I have had a busy week, working at two of our clinics (Camanchaj and Quetzaltenango), but also took some time to do some sight-seeing after work. I am also glad to announce that I am now officially a MAN! I drove us all over Guatemala and only got lost twice! Yes, I did have to ask directions four times in total, but did NOT drive us over a cliff or run over any roosters, dogs, cows, or children ~ thank God! It's all down-hill from here baby!
Enough talk. Here are some pics from our past week...

The cemetary in Panajachel on El Dia de los Muertos in preparation for All Saints Day. All burial plots were ornately painted and decorated with flowers in memory of lost loved ones.'s kind of windy here. The rainy season ends at the end of October and you know it's over when the wind starts. Imagine Hurrican Ike minus the rain. We lost a tree that crushed our gate. It hasn't rained since (and may not throughout the dry season!) Note: this is not true. I'm just being dramatic ; )

Top of a volcano on our drive to Fuentes Georginas (hot springs) near Quetzaltenango.

This, my friends, is a "chicken" bus! God created it on the 8th day. It can always fit "uno mas" and take you anywhere you want to go for pennies. Chances are good that the one pictured here was the same one you rode to school in 3rd grade. There are
no atheists on chicken buses.

The central park in Quetzaltenango (thankfully it's also called Xela). It's the second biggest city in Guat. One of our 4 clinics is right outside of Xela in the same building where the U. Methodist Church has their volunteer office.

Ahhh!! Believe it or not, this store, named Despensa Familiar, is owned by Wal-Mart! They also own a huge store in Xela called Hiper Mart. The end is near...

that's a church! This is one of the most unique, colorful churches in Central America. It's in San Andreas outside of Xela and can be spotted from outer space (again, not true). The top of the dome is painted like a circus tent, and over the altar is a neon blue sign that says "Pescadores do Hombres" (fishers of men). Definitely worth the visit.

Fuentes Georginas (Hot Springs) outside of Zunil. A quick dip helped melt away all the stress from driving in Guatemala.

You can never take enough pics of Lake Atitlan. It truly is one of the most beautiful places on earth and is like steroids for your faith.
Prayer Request: Carey and I will help lead a team about 3-4 hours south of here this week in Mazatenango (near one of our clinics in San Antonio Suchi) starting Sunday. We'll be doing some construction work on the existing clinic and offer health care to the locals everyday. Please pray for safe travel, success in our mission, opened eyes, and changed hearts. Thanks!
Jay and Carey
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