Thursday, November 26, 2009

On to Bigger and Better Things (like 1st Grade)

Carey's preschool just celebrated their first ever graduation! Eighteen students from the Susanna Wesley Preschool graduated at a very special ceremony held recently in Camanchaj. Decked out in robes and homemade construction paper hats with tassels, the students received their "diplomas" from a very proud Directora.

One of our honor students, Jennifer Karina, looking ready for first grade, which she'll start in February at the Camanchaj public school.

The parents presented a special gift to the preschool, which will hang outside of the classroom for years to come as a reminder of our first graduating class.

Karla Alessandra and mother, Kristina, one of our lab techs, pose for a picture after graduation. Carey printed family photos on the spot with a printer donated by one of our medical teams. The families were thrilled!

Our last day of school! Carey and preschool teachers, Mary and Paulina, will miss this great group of students dearly, but they are so proud of all they have accomplished this past year...

Happy Thanksgiving!
May each of you continue to be blessed with health, peace, and most importantly, friends and family that love and care for you.
Dios Les Bengida,
Jay & Carey

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Stick a Fork in Me...

I just finished hosting our 22nd and last mission team for 2009, and although I'm super tired I also feel super fulfilled.
22 Teams
320 Volunteers
Thousands of patients (medical and dental)
Hundreds of surgeries
7 Construction projects completed
2 Tired but very blessed gringos living in Guatemala

Our vision teams hand out a standard-sized round frame to all vision patients. If you look closely you can see that the glasses look exactly like Harry Potter's glasses. The week after clinics half the town has turned into wizards : )

I had hundreds of pairs of old-school sunglasses to hand out in San Jorge La Laguna. You would have thought I was handing out pieces of gold. I got swarmed handing out relics from Michael Jackson's closet.

Our docs made a home visit and pulled a MacGyver: they made a leg splint for a man with a fractured leg out of Maxi-Pads and an old cardboard box. Sweeeet.

The kids at El Barranco performed a traditional Mayan dance for us to thank our volunteers for their service. It kind of looks like they're making an offering to my backpack, which sits in the window behind them.

How can we say thanks?
Carey and I will be in the States (Texas) this December to visit family and friends for Christmas and make several presentations at local churches for Salud y Paz. It will be a great time of rest for us before we return in January for six more months of service.
As we approach Thanksgiving, Carey and I feel eternally grateful for all of your love and support. We hope to see many of you soon and give you a big hug from the people of Guatemala!
Peace to you!
Jay & Carey

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

You Are What You Wear

Imagine if everyone in the city of Houston wore red shirts and everyone in Austin wore blue shirts. That's what Guatemala is like. When the Spanish came to Guatemala in the 16th century they had each village wear a different color "traje," a traditional dress/suit, so they could identify where someone was from. That tradition has managed to survive through today, making Guatemala one of the most colorful and tradition-rich countries in the world.

These women are from Santa Catarina, a village about 5 km up the road from Carey and me. They are easily identified by their turquoise traje and blue or purple head dress. Most all indigenous Mayan women and their daughters continue to wear traditional traje today.

It's becoming less common for Mayan men to wear traje, mainly because the suits are relatively expensive and they are worn out too fast while working in the fields. This man is likely from Solola, 20 minutes from Pana. It's a pretty cool look, despite the fact that the length of his pants make him look like he's waiting for a flood : )

The traje is made using two very old methods: 1) backstrap and 2) wooden loom. Mayan women are responsible for the huipil, the blouse, or top part of the traje, and the Mayan men (usually younger boys) work to create the dress, or bottom part of the traje.

Here you can see a woman making the huipil using the backstrap weaving. It appears to be a pain-staking, uncomfortable way to weave, but the end product is beautiful and can sell for about Q800, or $100. Women wear the huipil of their village everyday and it will last them several years.

The looming process that the men use to create the corte (dress) is very different. They start with these foot long they use this old-school method to spin the thread onto small spools...

...finally the young men take the spools and toss them back and forth through the loom for the final product...
Check out this video to see how it's done. These guys work 10 hours a day, 6 days a week. It takes them 3 full days, 30 hours, to make one corte/dress. For this work they'll receive around $3-$4/day, assuming they can sell two cortes a week. Believe it or not this is pretty good pay.

This little cutie was kind enough to pose for me to show the finished product. The corte comes out of the loom in one 10-15 foot piece. You can see how this corte has been sewn together from two different pieces (top and bottom). These cortes cost around $50 each.

A quick word on donating clothes as an American: Chances are if you've ever donated clothes into one of those big metal bins in a parking lot they're ending up in Guatemala or other developing nation. These American castoffs are sold to the locals here for super cheap. The beneift is that they provide people with a good, cheap option for clothes. The downside is that the clothes are so cheap that less and less people are wearing their traditional traje, thus losing an important aspect of their culture. It seems that no issue today is as black and white as we would like it to be.

Thanks for checking in! We look forward to seeing many of you in December when we're home in Texas!

Love, J & C