I just finished hosting our 22nd and last mission team for 2009, and although I'm super tired I also feel super fulfilled.
22 Teams
320 Volunteers
Thousands of patients (medical and dental)
Hundreds of surgeries
7 Construction projects completed
2 Tired but very blessed gringos living in Guatemala

Our vision teams hand out a standard-sized round frame to all vision patients. If you look closely you can see that the glasses look exactly like Harry Potter's glasses. The week after clinics half the town has turned into wizards : )

I had hundreds of pairs of old-school sunglasses to hand out in San Jorge La Laguna. You would have thought I was handing out pieces of gold. I got swarmed handing out relics from Michael Jackson's closet.

Our docs made a home visit and pulled a MacGyver: they made a leg splint for a man with a fractured leg out of Maxi-Pads and an old cardboard box. Sweeeet.

The kids at El Barranco performed a traditional Mayan dance for us to thank our volunteers for their service. It kind of looks like they're making an offering to my backpack, which sits in the window behind them.
How can we say thanks?Carey and I will be in the States (Texas) this December to visit family and friends for Christmas and make several presentations at local churches for Salud y Paz. It will be a great time of rest for us before we return in January for six more months of service.
As we approach Thanksgiving, Carey and I feel eternally grateful for all of your love and support. We hope to see many of you soon and give you a big hug from the people of Guatemala!
Peace to you!
Jay & Carey
1 comment:
Enjoy having you join us for church (Crestview UMC) this morning. I was really amazed at all the work you have done. Will keep you both in our prayers.
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