Sunday, November 30, 2008
Deep Thoughts by Carey Cooper
About 20 years ago, my Dad walked into my room while I was fixing my hair. Chicas, you remember what an ordeal this was in the late 80s, right? So he watched me blow drying, curling, and teasing for a while and then asked, "How long does this usually take?" I remember saying, "Oh, about 30 minutes." (It was more like 45 but I could see where he was going...) After a quick calculation (he's an engineer so it didn't take long), he reported how many hours over the next year and then days over my life I would waste on my hair. I'm sure I only laughed at the time and went on with my teasing. But this morning, when I ran a comb through my wet hair and ran out the door for church, I thought of our conversation. I'll overestimate this time and say that I usually spend about 1 minute a day on my hair. Over the next year, that adds up to about six hours. Not bad, eh Dad?
Friday, November 28, 2008
Carey's Birthday!
We spent the day in a lake town called San Marcos La Laguna, and then I had a couple of new friends here help me surprise Carey back at our apartment when we returned ~ complete with decorations, cake, dinner and a pinata! A truly Guatemalan "cumpleanos."
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy El Dia de Accion Gracias! Gobble, Gobble
I no longer have disposable income, but now I’ve been given the gift of learning to rely on God and others. I no longer enjoy the safety I had in the States, but now I’ve been given the chance to trust God in unfamiliar situations. I no longer have many of the comforts I’d become accustomed to, but now I’ve been given the opportunity to learn about the cost of following Jesus. So this year, as I lead mission teams on various projects throughout Guatemala and Carey prepares to open the new Susanna Wesley Preschool in January, we both find ourselves thankful, not only for all that we do have, but especially for all that we don’t.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Jay & Carey
ps - we spent our most unique Thanksgiving ever today with 1 Italian, 2 Guatemalans, 1 Woman from Switzerland, another from Sweden, and a handful of gringos. The only thing that connected us was our ability to speak Spanish (mas o menos) was a beautiful thing ; )
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Clinic Video
If you're interested in what a "typical" clinic day looks like, check out this 80-second video that I took at one of our off-site clinics...
The woman in the blue scrubs in the video is the one I'm taking over for in February. Of course she's much better looking, taller, and smarter than me and speaks three languages fluently, but I still hope to somehow carry on the great work she's done over the years hosting teams and administrating clinic operations. I think I'm going to love this job...
Pics of Carey's b-day coming tomorrow. Jay
Friday, November 21, 2008
Deep Thoughts by Carey Cooper
Guatemala receives a lot of donated clothes from the U.S. I was told the other day that Guatemaltecas assume they are "dead man's clothes" because they can't imagine any other reason we would give away clothes in such good condition. Ouch. I'll remember that the next time I think I need a new outfit. :)
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Warm Days, Hotter Lava
Our guide Felix was kind enough to roast some marshmallows ("angelitos" in Spanish) that I brought with us in case we were able to get close enough to the lava. I know what you're thinking, but he actually looked better without eyebrows.
Have a great week and thanks for checking in! We'll post some pics of Carey's b-day this Saturday and hopefully a short video I made of a "typical" day at the clinic. Love, J & C
Saturday, November 8, 2008
A Week in Pics...
Enough talk. Here are some pics from our past week...
Prayer Request: Carey and I will help lead a team about 3-4 hours south of here this week in Mazatenango (near one of our clinics in San Antonio Suchi) starting Sunday. We'll be doing some construction work on the existing clinic and offer health care to the locals everyday. Please pray for safe travel, success in our mission, opened eyes, and changed hearts. Thanks!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Guatemala: Type-A "Hell"
Carey and I started work this week, and I feel like I've just entered a treatment center to detox from all I learned about work and self-worth in the States. I know most of us would kill to slow down for a bit and take a break from our hectic lives in the U.S., but it's become clear that if I'm going to make it here I'm going to have to change my expectations. Things here are just slower. People are less stressed, or at least seem to be. Which is ironic because they arguably have more to be stressed about than I do (for example, having enough money to survive this month!) Although the people here are some of the hardest working I have ever seen (bending over for 8+ hours picking onions does not look easy), I don't see them scurrying about like rats. I see them talking with their neighbors at length every day and spending time playing with their children (and it takes a lot of time to play with 7 children!)
I don't want to make Guatemala sound like some sort of Eden, because it's not, but there is something very attractive and natural about this way of life. But I still feel myself resisting it - resisting the slower lifestyle and the society that seems to define me more by my 'being' and less by my 'doing.' I know, however, that this is why I need to be here. I recongize how unhealthy it has been for me to define myself by what I do and not who I am. As I detox from my Type-A addiction, I hope to emerge from treatment as less of human doing, and more of a human being.
Peace friends,