Sunday, February 22, 2009

Deep Thoughts by Carey Cooper

Guat happens.

Yes, I'm thinking of another four-letter word, but it's probably not appropriate for the director of the Susanna Wesley Preschool to use that word. I'm pretty sure Susie wouldn't approve. :) So, Guat happens. And it covered our school playground/clinic waiting room the first week of school. I won't pretend to understand our septic system and can only say that it wasn't sufficient for 24 preschoolers who use the bathroom...well...a LOT. And so, we were forced to close the school eight days after we opened and have been scrambling to find a solution ever since (all while hosting two volunteer medical teams from the States). Again, I won't pretend to understand what's being done, but I'm pretty sure it involves digging a very big hole until $7,000 can be raised for a new system.

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers this week. We're reopening the school (Tuesday/Thursday only for now), and I really hope I won't be telling the students, parents, and teachers that we have to close the school again.

Yes, Guat happens. But it sure seems to happen over and over again to the people of Guatemala.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

good luck, i hope that guat doesn't happen again... oh guat.